Mode of action: Pendimethalin inhibits root and shoot growth. It controls the weed population and prevents weeds from emerging, particularly during the crucial development phase of the crop. Its primary mode of action is to prevent plant cell division and elongation in susceptible species.It is used both pre emergent and early post emergent.
Target Crop: Carrots, parsnips, parsley, celery, potatoes, peas, French beans, transplanted Brassica’s, transplanted lettuce, transplanted tomatoes, transplanted capsicums, Turnips, lettuce, radish, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, leeks, Sweetcorn, pumpkins, squash, melons, cucumbers,
Target Pest: Most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in field corn, potatoes, rice, cotton, soybeans, tobacco, peanuts and sunflowers.
Dose Rate: As mentioned in Label.
Pakiging Size:
(MITA-33 EC) |
400ml |
100ml |
50ml |