Director’s Message
In Bangladesh agriculture is the largest employment sector. Agriculture has an overwhelming impact on employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development and food security. A big number of people earn their living from agriculture. In the national GDP agriculture has a contribution of 14.23% and employs 41% in labor force. In Bangladesh total Cultivation land is 8505278.14 hectare; Total irrigated land is 7124895.41 hectare, Cultivate waste land 204366.24 hectare.
Rice, maize, wheat, vegetable, salad, and spices is our main crops, apart from this there is Cash crop, Fruit and nuts, Oilseed crops, Root/tuber crops, Beverage crops, Sugar crops. Rice (three seasonal rice) production is 34.5 m. mton (4th largest) and Potato – (Area 4.5 lac hectare, Prod- 92 m.mton) (7th largest) among Asia.
The cultivation of vegetables in our country is increasing day by day. Now vegetables cover 2.63 percent area of our cultivable land. Vegetable gives much more benefit to the farmers than the other crops and Per Capita consumption of vegetable 56 (g/day). 35 percent of the vegetable is wasted in the country. 150 types of vegetables are being cultivated in Bangladesh and exporting more than 48 types of vegetables. From Bangladesh vegetables are being exported to about 38 countries, but the major buyers are 10 (ten) countries. There can be a big prospect more.
It is estimated that 4-14% of rice yield in Bangladesh is lost every year by different insect pests. Stem borer, BLB, BLS, Tungo Virus, and nematode (ufra) are now the serious setback of cultivation. For vegetables bacterial Wilt, fusarium wilt, Virus are the main setback for vegetable. Adverse weather is also another problem. We should go for solution.
Day by day the consumption of foods are increasing and for reaching that goal High Yielding Varieties (HYV) seeds, parallel support in the provision of modern inputs, such as chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation equipment, product procurement, storage and marketing facilities are using. JASS AGRO LTD ensures the supply of quality agricultures inputs for greater experience of farmer and batter environment.
Md. Sakib Imran Khan

Md. Sakib Imran Khan